We assist businesses
in the Far East
and in the Arctic

Unified Institute for Investor Support
In the Far East and in the Arctic
+7 (423) 222-55-58

We support investors

We create favorable conditions for the establishment and development of businesses


preparation of investment projects


volume of investments made, billion rubles


the land plot was provided to the residents of the ASEZ


tax privileges for ASEZ/FPV residents

We build the infrastructure

We create infrastructure for investment projects / reimburse investors for their related costs


activities conducted in relation to the construction of infrastructure for residents of the ASEZ


volume of constructed infrastructure for residents of the ASEZ, billion rubles

We increase the quality of life

We provide land for free, issue subsidized loans and mortgages, and help with relocation and finding employment

154 438

jobs created

96 266

hectares of land provided free of charge


bln RUB of loans issued under the preferential Mortgage program

142 240

families have purchased or built their own housing under the affordable Rental Housing program