
InfraVEB is a subsidiary of VEB.RF and its special-purpose development institution providing consulting and financial services in relation to preparing and launching new investment projects in Russia’s strategically important economic and industrial sectors. InfraVEB is involved in major projects using the Far Eastern Concession mechanism.

InfraVEB is a subsidiary of VEB.RF and its special-purpose development institution with more than 25 years of experience in supporting new investment projects in Russia’s strategically important sectors: infrastructure, industrial production, urban development.
The company offers a full range of consulting services to help development projects receive funding. InfraVEB services include:
  • Greenfield and turnkey solutions for project preparation; modifications to existing documents to arrange debt financing: carrying out feasibility studies (technical, financial, and economic), assessing PPP project viability, selecting optimal financing mechanisms, payment facilities, and legal forms of ownership, organizing government support measures, preparing documents necessary to receive funding (business plans, financial models, PPP agreements, etc.)
  • PPP project preparation: ordered by public- or private-sector partners (including for federal-level private concession initiatives) or carried out jointly with potential investors
  • Special-purpose loans for the preparation of design and estimate documents
  • Financial and technical auditing and monitoring of construction
  • Independent opinions for federally co-financed projects
  • Legal, technical, and marketing opinions, funding risk memorandums, etc. for financiers
  • Equity financing, subordinated financing, and mezzanine financing for PPP projects
  • Co-investor search and M&A support services
  • Support for concession grantors and concession owners in the project’s operational phase

InfraVEB has sufficient experience and competencies to deal effectively with challenges and help market participants with their projects. Over the next ten years InfraVEB has prepared more than 100 projects totaling 10 trillion rubles, with over 6.5 billion rubles invested.
InfraVEB is involved in major projects using the Far Eastern Concession mechanism. InfraVEB is currently active in structuring and carrying out 14 projects in a variety of different sectors: transportation infrastructure, energy infrastructure, water supply and disposal, waste management, mineral extraction, community infrastructure, tourism infrastructure.

© Russian Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, 2025