A new enterprise for the production of unmanned aircraft systems will appear in the Sakhalin Region

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev was acquainted with the work of the production of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) of the “Drone Solutions” company. The company has developed and patented nine unmanned aircraft systems. The company produces 80 UAVs per year. Next year it plans to increase production to 260 UAVs. The company's products are in demand by companies in the Far Eastern Federal District and the Russian Arctic. Among the implemented projects are the delivery of medical cargo to Sakhalin using the “Aist” UAS; ice escort and caravan escort for the “Port Elga” company in the Khabarovsk Region; duties in the Kara Sea, installation of buoys on icebergs, water intake with a bathometer, rescue operations; counting seals in the White Sea to control the population and issue fishing permits. Pilot projects were presented, carried out jointly with the Russian Ministry of Health, for the use of UAS for telemedicine during emergencies, proposals were made for the integration of UAS in the Russian Arctic with the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS) and rescue operations during emergency situations.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev was acquainted with the work of the production of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) of the “Drone Solutions” company. The company has developed and patented nine unmanned aircraft systems. The company produces 80 UAVs per year. Next year it plans to increase production to 260 UAVs. The company's products are in demand by companies in the Far Eastern Federal District and the Russian Arctic. Among the implemented projects are the delivery of medical cargo to Sakhalin using the “Aist” UAS; ice escort and caravan escort for the “Port Elga” company in the Khabarovsk Region; duties in the Kara Sea, installation of buoys on icebergs, water intake with a bathometer, rescue operations; counting seals in the White Sea to control the population and issue fishing permits. Pilot projects were presented, carried out jointly with the Russian Ministry of Health, for the use of UAS for telemedicine during emergencies, proposals were made for the integration of UAS in the Russian Arctic with the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS) and rescue operations during emergency situations.

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