A greenhouse complex and a food processing plant will be built in Chukotka for workers of a floating nuclear thermal power plant

The “Arctic Atom-Service company”, a resident of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, plans to build a greenhouse complex and a food processing plant in Pevek to provide fresh vegetables, drinks and food to the workers of a floating nuclear thermal power plant (project of the “Rosatom” State Corporation), which provides energy to the inhabitants of Chukotka. It is planned to grow 210 tons of fresh vegetable products per year in greenhouses, and at the plant - to preserve vegetables, produce juices, as well as meat and fish semi-finished products, bakery and confectionery products - up to 440 tons per year of food and drinks. The launch of the project is scheduled for autumn 2024. The investor plans to invest about 812 million rubles and provide jobs for more than 150 residents of Chukotka.

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