FPV Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is a collegial governing body of the Free Port Vladivostok, which oversees economic processes on the territory of the Free Port, considers and takes measures to prevent or remedy excessive or unreasonable interference by monitoring and supervisory bodies in the activities of residents of the Free Port, and coordinates the activities of state authorities and local government bodies on the development and functioning of the Free Port


  • Monitoring of economic processes on the territory of the Free Port Vladivostok, as well as consideration and adoption of measures aimed at developing the constituent entities of the Russian Federation forming part of the Far Eastern Federal District, improving the investment and business climate and maintaining a balance between the interests of citizens living in the Free Port Vladivostok and those of entrepreneurs;
  • Consideration and adoption of measures to prevent or remedy excessive or unreasonable interference by monitoring and supervisory bodies in the activities of residents of the Free Port Vladivostok (including making proposals to check the work of officials and apply disciplinary measures against them);
  • Coordination of the activities of state and local authorities on the development and functioning of the Free Port Vladivostok;
  • Determination of the maximum percentage of foreign workers employed by residents of the Free Port Vladivostok;
  • Establishing the types of entrepreneurial activities that residents of the Free Port Vladivostok are not entitled to engage in

Questions and answers

What are the support measures intended for?
The support measures are intended to promote entrepreneurial activities and providing incentives for tax payers within some particular AZRF areas
What are the support measures intended for?
The support measures are intended to promote entrepreneurial activities in the territory of Kuril Islands (new jobs, higher amounts of basic capital investments).
Are investments required to obtain resident status?
The Project Rules do not specify any investment requirements in order to be granted the status of a resident. Project participants may make capital investments in infrastructure on the basis of agreements concluded with the RUSSKY ISTC Management Company in accordance with the Russian law.
What preferential regimes can operate concurrently with the ISTC regime?
In accordance with Article 14 § 9 of Federal Law No. 216-FZ, a project participant may, at the same time, be a participant in the Russky ISTC project, a Skolkovo Innovation Centre resident and also a participant in other ISTCs.
How long and in what territory is an ISTC resident required to stay?
In accordance with Law 216-FZ, the permanent executive body of a legal entity can only be located on the territory of ISTC "Russky" on a permanent basis. A legislative opportunity has been provided to stay outside the ISTC (but not more than 3 years before the commissioning of the ISTC infrastructure facility) for the permanent executive body of the legal entity, as well as other bodies or persons entitled to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney, provided that they carry out scientific and technological activities and conclude an agreement with the Managing the company about the permanent presence on the territory of the ISTC, after the commissioning of the infrastructure facility of the ISTC.
How does the ISTC help companies to establish international partnerships and enter markets in the Asia-Pacific region?
In order to help residents develop their projects and commercialize their innovations abroad, the Russky ISTC offers companies support in the form of expert advice and analysis in the areas of innovation and technology, and helps include them in global research projects. In cooperation with the Far Eastern Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Far Eastern Federal University, the Russky ISTC offers direct access to experts from the Asia-Pacific countries and the Far Eastern Federal University’s partners and representative offices in other countries. The ISTC is also working on the development of its own network of partners.
What is the Advanced Social Economic Zone ASEZ?
The territory of the Advanced Social Economic Zone ASEZ is a part of the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where a special legal regime for carrying out entrepreneurial activities is established.
What is Free Port of Vladivostok (FPV)?
The Free Port of Vladivostok (FPV) is a territory that uses special regimes of customs tax and administrative regulation.
How long does the TOP mode work?
The regime will operate for 70 years.
What territories are related to the FPV? Or where are the territories of the FPV?
The Free Port of Vladivostok includes the territories of the municipal entities of Primorsky Krai: the Artyomovsk district, the Vladivostok district, the Bolshoy Kamen district, the Nakhodka district, the Partizanskiy district, the Spassk-Dalniy district, the Ussuriysk district, the Nadezhdinskiy municipal district, the Shkotovskiy municipal district, Oktyabrskiy municipal district, Olginskiy municipal district, Partizanskiy municipal district, Pogranichniy municipal district, Hasansky municipal district, Hankaiskiy municipal district, including the territory and water area of seaports located in the territories of these municipalities.

The territory of the free port includes (with the territory and water area of the sea port): Vaninskiy municipal district (Khabarovsk Krai), Korsakov district (Sakhalin Oblast), Pevek district (Chukotka autonomous district), and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Kamchatka Krai).
How to get land in the ASEZ?
After the conclusion of the agreement, JSC “Far East Development Corporation” concludes a lease of a land plot with a resident of the ASEZ. The rental price is calculated for each land plot individually, taking into account the preferential ratio. After the resident fulfills the terms of the concluded agreement, JSC “Far East Development Corporation” provides the land with property by concluding a sales contract.
How long will the FPV regime operate?
The regime will operate for 70 years.
On what terms can you get land in the ASEZ?
In order to obtain land in the ASEZ, it is necessary to obtain the status of a resident of the ASEZ. If the land does not belong to anyone, is not burdened and the local government gives permission, then the land is issued for the implementation of the project. If the land plot is owned by JSC “Far East Development Corporation”, then the land is also issued for the implementation of the project.
What types of activities are prohibited?
1) Extraction of oil and natural gas; 2) The production of excisable goods, except for the production of cars, motorcycles, motor oils, aviation, diesel and motor fuel;
How to connect to the infrastructure (light, water, gas, water disposal, heat supply) in the ASEZ?
JSC “Far East Development Corporation” is building infrastructure in the ASEZ. You need to indicate in the application the needs of your future project in electricity supply, heat supply, water supply, water disposal, gas supply. If your application with this information is approved, you can connect to the infrastructure objects. For each ASEZ there is an individual schedule for the creation of infrastructure facilities, including, in particular, the timing of the introduction of these facilities into operation.
What types of activities are not covered by state support measures (tax benefits)?
1) Financial and insurance activities. 2) Activities in the organization and conduct of gambling; 3) Wholesale and retail trade, except for the sale of goods produced by a resident of the Free Port of Vladivostok on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, in accordance with the agreement on the activities of the resident of the Free Port of Vladivostok.
In what period will the application be considered?
The application will be viewed within 15 working days. If the declared project meets all the necessary criteria, a positive decision will be taken on your application. The management company shall, within a period not exceeding thirty calendar days from the date of making a decision on the possibility of concluding an agreement on the implementation of activities, prepare and forward to the applicant a draft agreement on the implementation of activities.
How to get land on the territory of a free port?
According to paragraphs 33, paragraph 2 of Art. 39-6 of the RF LC and cl. 18, paragraph 8 of Art. 39-8 of the RF LC for the lease of a land plot that is in state or municipal ownership, is concluded without holding a tender in the case of granting a land plot to a resident of a free port.
Is it possible for one company to simultaneously be a resident of ASEZ and FPV?
No, one company can not simultaneously be a resident of ASEZ and FPV. This is due to the fact that a resident can become a new legal entity or a new investment project with a registration address in the ASEZ and FPV.
© Russian Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, 2025