Special Administrative Region

Special Administrative Region

Goals of the SAR

  • Formation of favorable financial and administrative conditions for the development of business
  • Attraction of capital to the Russian Federation
  • Deoffshorisation of the Russian economy
  • Infrastructure development of the territory

The role of the management company

In accordance with Federal Law No. 291-FZ “On special administrative regions in the territories of the Kaliningrad Region and Primorsky Krai”, dated 03.08.2018, the Russian Far East and Arctic Development Corporation is the management company of the SAR on Russky Island.

The main objectives of the FEDC:

  • Involvement in the registration of international companies
  • Making decisions on granting the status of a member of the SAR
  • Maintaining a register of SAR participants
  • Coordination of activities and administrative support for SAR participants
  • Providing SAR participants with the services necessary to carry out their activities (including legal services, accounting services)
  • Monitoring of the activities of international companies

For whom

A foreign legal entity that is a commercial corporation and has decided to change its governing law can become an international company.

An international foundation may be a foreign unitary legal entity whose founders are not its participants and do not take part in the distribution of its profits or have no membership rights therein, this entity having been established for a specific purpose and having decided to change its personal law in the manner prescribed by such personal law.

International holding companies are also international companies, but have a special legal status in order to receive tax privileges.


Currency non-residents

Special terms and conditions of currency control

Cash settlements in both foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation

No income from operating ships is taken into account in determining the tax base for corporate income tax (subject to registration in the Russian Open Register of Ships)

Administrative preferences

Help desk service for investors

Assistance in choosing a place of registration

Legal and accountancy services

Possibility to build infrastructure facilities

An international company or its subsidiary may be resident(s) of FPV and ASEZ

Provision of a land plot

Option to hide the information about the founder and director in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Option of resolving disputes through arbitration

Tax privileges for all ICs in SAR

Dividends in favor of IC

Period of privilege

Determination of subsidiaries' shares tax value at the market level as of the date of redomiciliation in the SAR

With equity> 15% and tenure <1 year

Ban on tax audits in the RF for tax years prior to redomiciliation

If the payer is a foreign company, then NOT from offshore (in accordance with the list of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)

No VAT for importing ships in the Russian Federation (subject to registration in the Russian Open Register of Ships)

no time limitations

No transport and property tax on ships / aircraft to be paid (subject to registration in the Russian Open Register of Ships or State Register of Civil Aircraft)

no time limitations

0% social contributions for crew members of ships (subject to registration in the Russian Open Register of Ships)

until 2027 (inclusive)

No income from operating ships is taken into account in determining the tax base for corporate income tax (subject to registration in the Russian Open Register of Ships)

no time limitations

No tax is paid on IC property located outside the RF and used in geological survey, exploration and mining projects under production sharing, concession or license agreements

no time limitations

Tax privileges for companies with IHC status (including public IHCs)

Dividends to foreign persons from the IC

Period of privilege

Exclusion of the following income (expenses) from the income tax base of IHCs:

  • Income (expenses) in the form of positive (negative) exchange rate differences in the revaluation of foreign currency valuables / claims in foreign currency / liabilities in foreign currency (save for securities denominated in foreign currency)
  • Income (expenses) resulting from geological survey, exploration and mining projects and related works under production sharing, concession and license agreements or other agreements (contracts) on risk conditions with a foreign state (provided that certain conditions are met)

no time limitations

Exemption of CFC profits at the IHC level as a controlling person

until 01.01.2029

Stabilization clause for corporate income and property tax and transport tax

no time limitations

Tax privileges for companies with IHC status, which meet the requirements of Art. 284.10 of the RF Tax Code for the purpose of applying tax privileges

Privileged rate

Standard rate

Terms and conditions of application

Period of privilege


20% (interest, royalty)
13% (dividends)

When receiving dividends, interest and royalties

as from 01.01.2023
until 01.01.2036



On payment of dividends by public IHCs to foreign persons
(for companies, which received the IHC status prior to 25.02.2022, reduced rates may be applied until 31.12.2025 without fulfilling requirements of Art. 284.10 of the RF Tax Code)

until 01.01.2029


20% (interest, royalty)
13% (dividends)

When dividends, interest and royalties are paid
Additional conditions: the recipient company is an FPO and is not based in a country included in the "black list" of the RF Ministry of Finance

as from 01.01.2023
until 01.01.2036



Reduced 15% shareholding threshold for exemption of dividends received
(for companies, which received the IHC status prior to 25.02.2022, reduced rates may be applied until 31.12.2025 without fulfilling requirements of Art. 284.10 of the RF Tax Code)

no time limitations

20% for companies with 50%+ of real estate in the RF

20% for companies with 50%+ of real estate in the RF

Exemption of profit from selling subsidiaries
(for companies, which received the IHC status prior to 25.02.2022, reduced rates may be applied until 31.12.2025 without fulfilling requirements of Art. 284.10 of the RF Tax Code)

no time limitations

0% for companies without 50%+ of real estate in the RF and subject to one year of ownership (subject additional conditions)

0% for companies without 50%+ of real estate in the RF and subject to 5 years of ownership (subject to additional conditions)

Additional conditions: year of ownership ≥ 15% of capital; share of real estate in the RF in the subsidiary's assets ˂ 50%; the subsidiary is not based in a blacklisted country of the RF Ministry of Finance; the subsidiary was not contributed to the IHC capital and was transferred to the IHC as a result of reorganization within 1 year after redomiciliation)

Become a participant of SAR

1 Requirements for foreign companies
  1. Registration of a legal entity in accordance with the law of the country of origin no later than March 1, 2024
  2. Acceptance of commitments on investments in the territory of the Russian Federation in a simple written form (50 million rubles within 6 months in the form of a contribution to the authorized capital or capital investments)
  3. Submission of an application to conclude an agreement on the performance of activities as a participant in the SAR
  4. Registration on the territory of a state that is a member of the FATF and/or Moneyval
  5. Removal from a foreign register of legal entities within 2 years or within the period established by the decision of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investment in the Russian Federation
  6. Conclusion of agreement on performance of activities in the SAR within 3 months from the date of state registration in the SAR

Cannot become an IC:

  • Credit organisations
  • Non-credit financial organisations
  • Operators of payment systems
  • Providers of payment infrastructure services
  • Advantages and privileges in the SAR for ICs
  • Credit rating agencies
  • Persons that perform actuarial activities
2 Prepare a set of documents

Primary documents

  • Application
  • Application for state registration of an IC and a document confirming the state registration of a foreign legal entity
  • A copy of the charter of a foreign legal entity, as well as the decision of the foreign legal entity to change its governing law and approve the charter of the IC
  • Approved charter of the IC and annual financial statements
  • Document confirming the authority of the person submitting the application to act without a power of attorney, and the decision on the appointment of the single-person executive body
  • Information about the beneficiaries of the foreign legal entity
  • Assurance of a foreign legal entity that there are no circumstances preventing its state registration as an IC
  • Documents confirming compliance with the requirements for an IC
  • Documents required for registration of a share issue by the IC
  • Documents confirming the completion of the share listing procedure (only for PJSCs)
  • Documents that confirm the receipt of the legal address (Letter of Guarantee from the owner of the premises, lease agreement, other)
3 Submit an application
Pavel Sheyka
Director of Department for Special Administrative Region Support

Resolution of disputes through arbitration

Conditions for obtaining IHC status:

  1. An international company is registered as a result of the re-domiciliation of a foreign organization which was established before January 1, 2018
  2. The controlling persons (more than 15%) of the re-domiciled foreign organization obtained such status before 2017 (does not apply to public companies and persons subject to sanctions)

    • financial statements of the foreign organization for the last complete financial year before the date of registration
    • auditor’s report with a positive conclusion
    • information about the controlling persons of an international company (more than 15%)

    When registering an international company within the period from March 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023, documents and information (excluding information about controlling persons of the international company) can be provided no later than 12 months from the day of registration.

  3. Within 15 working days from receiving the IC status, submit to the tax office: Does not apply to the international company registered under the procedure of redomiciliation before March 1, 2022 inclusive. (Not applicable to an international company registered by way of redomiciliation before 01.03.2022 (inclusive))

An IC loses its IHC status:

  1. in the event that the IHC adopts a decision on reorganization in the form of a takeover or merger with a company other than the IC
  2. if there is a change in the IC’s controlling persons within 1 year (does not apply to public companies and entities under sanctions)
  3. if it is deprived of its IC status in accordance with Federal Law No. 290-FZ “On International Companies”

    • application for obtaining IHC status
    • information on controlling persons
    • notice for regional authorized executive body at the place of registration about intention to acquire the IHC status, which was submitted at least 6 months prior to registration in the SAR

    When registering an international company within the period from March 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023, documents and information (excluding information about controlling persons of the international company) can be provided no later than 12 months from the day of registration.

  4. As of the application date, no objection from regional authorized executive body at the previous place of registration of the company
  5. As of the application date, the aggregate participation interest of the controlling persons is at least 75% of such interest as of 01.03.2022
  6. Aggregate participation interest of the controlling persons as of 01.03.2022 is at least 75% of the authorized capital as of 01.03.2022

Conditions for not applying the participation interest criterion for controlling persons requesting the IHC status:

As of March 1, 2022, the company is a public company


Aggregate direct and (or) indirect participation interest of public companies is 100%


Controlling persons (at > 25% participation interest as of 01.03.2022) are on the sanctions lists as of 01.03.2022

Conditions for IHCs applying reduced income tax rates

IHC applies reduced corporate income tax rates if it meets the following conditions during the entire reporting corporate income tax period:

  1. At least 1 controlling person is recognized as a tax resident and (or) is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. As of the 1st day of the tax period, the aggregate participation interest of IHC controlling persons is at least 75% of such interest as of 01.03.2022, at least 75% of the authorized capital as of 01.03.2022 (not applicable for ICs).
  3. The share of income from passive activities exceeds 90% of the IHC income.
  4. The share of spending on goods/services in the RF exceeds 70% of IHC expenditures.
  5. The IHC is managed in the RF.
  6. At least 15 of the IHC workplaces are located at the IHC location in the RF.
  7. The IC (Russian entity) meets the conditions of its recognition as an international holding company in accordance with Art. 24.2 of the RF Tax Code.
  8. Office space of at least 50 sqm located in the SAR (or in Vladivostok).
  9. Capital investments of at least RUB 300 mln (including VAT) at the location of the International Holding Company within 3 years.

Should the IHC fail to meet at least one of the above conditions, the amount of tax not paid as a result of unlawfully applying reduced tax rates shall be payable to the budget including the payment of appropriate penalties.

Resolution of disputes through arbitration

Under Federal law No. 291-FZ “On special administrative regions in the territory of Kaliningrad Region and Primorsky Region”, dated 03.08.2018, participants in a Special Administrative Region may agree on a convenient mechanism for the resolution of disputes arising out of agreements with counterparties or with the management company (including agreements on the performance of business activities), and refer such disputes for resolution by an arbitration tribunal administered by a permanent arbitration body (Part 2, Articles 12 and 16).

In order to refer a dispute to an arbitration tribunal the parties must agree on the use of arbitration. That agreement may take the form of a clause in the contract between the parties (arbitration clause), or it may be concluded by means of an exchange of letters or procedural documents.

Advantage of the proposed mechanism over traditional dispute resolution through litigation in the state courts

Flexibility and predictability

The parties and the arbitrator can “adjust” the arbitration procedure to meet their needs, by selecting and agreeing on the deadlines for and manner of exchanging representations and documents, and the time and venue for the hearing. This freedom gives arbitration with another important advantage — the parties are able to appoint an independent expert with the appropriate qualifications to resolve their dispute.


This option allows the parties to keep secret both the fact that they are involved in arbitration proceedings and the details of the proceedings. In some cases this can provide full protection for the party’s business and also save its relationship with the other party. It is very important to note that once issued an arbitral decision is binding and can currently be enforced in 172 countries.


In Vladivostok, you can submit disputes for arbitration to:

a branch of one of the largest and most reputable arbitration centers in Russia and the world, the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (the ICAC at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation).

a branch of Russia's leading business association, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) (Arbitration Center at the RUIE).

Contacts of the Vladivostok Branch of the ICAC at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Contacts of the Far Eastern Branch of the Arbitration Center at the RUIE:

Address: 13-A, Okeansky Prospekt, Vladivostok, Primorsky Region, 690091
Tel.: +7 (423) 226-72-40
E-mail: mkas.vladivostok@tpprf.ru
Website: http://mkas.tpprf.ru/ru/otdeleniya/vladivostok/

Address: Office 3, 8th floor, 5a Uborevicha St., Vladivostok, Primorsky Region, 690091
+7 (423) 277-97-02
+7 (914) 719-22-25
+7 (924) 241-83-67
E-mail: east@arbitration-rspp.ru
Website: https://arbitration-rspp.ru/branches-and-offices/branches/far_east/

© Russian Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, 2025